Mass production of new products requires big amounts of water, energy and chemicals which has negative affect on the environment. You can break this bad circle of consuming new products and choose existing vintage and second hand to contribute to the better environment.
Let your creativity flow and recycle products in different ways. Sew new clothes of old ones, create new exiting combination or go creative and make a totally new product of existing ones.
Its fun to go hunting new treasures, you never know what you can find. It is perfect for you who loves old things.
This is not a secret that things made before and often by hand using man powered control has a better quality. Many vintage products are durable and has much longer lifetime.
By botanizing in vintage you will be able to learn a lot about design, arts and crafts.
Furnishing your home with vintage guarantees that you fill your home with products that no-one else has.
Products made in 70s wont probably be produced again. By taking care of your vintage products you will contribute to the value increase and can sell them later with a higher price.
In most cases it is cheaper to buy vintage and second hand products if you compare to the original price of the similar product bought new.
We have gathered hundreds of hand picked unique vintage and second hand products. Here you can find climate smart products and by choosing vintage and second hand contribute to durable and better tomorrow.
At Urban Bazaar you can find well known trademarks as Upsala Ekeby, Gustavsberg, Markslöjd, Bavaria, Hackers Porslin, Arabia, ect. but even handmade products and art from small crafters.